Season 2 of Bigg Boss Malayalam brought even more drama and excitement to the small screen, introducing another diverse group of contestants from various walks of life. Here's a look at the 15 original entrants who faced the challenges and twists within the Bigg Boss house:

1. Rajini Chandy: A veteran actress with a career spanning across films and television, Rajini Chandy brought her experience and strong personality to the show. She remained in the house for 89 days before being evicted.

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Rajini Chandy, Bigg Boss Malayalam season 2

2. Alina Padikkal: A popular TV host and actress, Alina Padikkal was known for her bubbly personality and infectious energy. She played a strategic game and stayed in the house for 105 days, finishing as the first runner-up.

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Alina Padikkal, Bigg Boss Malayalam season 2

3. Raghu Subhash: A renowned radio jockey with a unique voice and humor, Raghu Subhash entertained the housemates with his witty remarks and playful antics. He stayed in the house for 77 days before being evicted.

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Raghu Subhash, Bigg Boss Malayalam season 2

4. Arya Badai: A talented TV host and anchor, Arya Badai was known for her composed demeanor and her ability to navigate through difficult situations. She stayed in the house for 56 days before being evicted.

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Arya Badai, Bigg Boss Malayalam season 2

5. Saju Navodaya: A film actor with a charming personality, Saju Navodaya added a touch of drama and entertainment to the house. He played a strategically cautious game and stayed in the house for 98 days, emerging as the winner of Season 2.

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Saju Navodaya, Bigg Boss Malayalam season 2

6. Veena Nair: A well-known actress in both Malayalam and Tamil cinema, Veena Nair's graceful presence and calm demeanor stood out in the house. She stayed in the house for 63 days before being evicted.

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Veena Nair, Bigg Boss Malayalam season 2

7. Manju Pathrose: A popular television actress, Manju Pathrose was known for her positive attitude and ability to bring people together. She stayed in the house for 35 days before being evicted.

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Manju Pathrose, Bigg Boss Malayalam season 2

8. Pareekutty Perumbavoor: A TikTok sensation and internet celebrity, Pareekutty Perumbavoor added a unique flavor to the house with his singing talent and infectious enthusiasm. He stayed in the house for 49 days before being evicted.

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Pareekutty Perumbavoor, Bigg Boss Malayalam season 2

9. Thesni Khan: A talented actress with a promising career, Thesni Khan brought her strong personality and independent spirit to the house. She played a determined game and stayed in the house for 84 days before being evicted.

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Thesni Khan, Bigg Boss Malayalam season 2

10. Rajith Kumar: A social activist and writer, Rajith Kumar added a philosophical dimension to the house discussions. He was known for his thoughtful insights and strong principles. He stayed in the house for 42 days before being evicted.

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Rajith Kumar, Bigg Boss Malayalam season 2

11. Pradeep Chandran: A film and television actor, Pradeep Chandran provided comic relief with his funny antics and playful personality. He stayed in the house for 28 days before being evicted.

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Pradeep Chandran, Bigg Boss Malayalam season 2

12. Fukru (Krishna Jeev): An internet celebrity known for his Tik-Tok videos, Fukru added a touch of fun and energy to the house. He stayed in the house for 21 days before being evicted.

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Fukru (Krishna Jeev), Bigg Boss Malayalam season 2

13. Reshma Rajan: A talented model and fashion influencer, Reshma Rajan brought her glamorous presence to the house. She stayed in the house for 14 days before being evicted.

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Reshma Rajan, Bigg Boss Malayalam season 2

14. Somadas Haridasan: A renowned singer with a soulful voice, Somadas Haridasan entertained the housemates with his musical performances. He stayed in the house for 7 days before being evicted.

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Somadas Haridasan, Bigg Boss Malayalam season 2

15. Alasandra Johnson: A stunning model and aspiring actress, Alasandra Johnson added a touch of elegance and grace to the house.